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Simple EdgeQL in Python.

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edgeql-queries is a library that allows you to store your EdgeQL queries in separate files and then execute them like normal Python functions. This way you can control versions of the queries code, as with any other languages, but use it in Python applications.


This library may become less useful after the release of the [query builder]( for EdgeDB, but who knows ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.


edgeql-queries requires only the EdgeDB driver for Python.


You can install edgeql-queries using pip:

pip install edgeql-queries

Or if you are using poetry:

poetry install edgeql-queries


There is a more complex example based on the EdgeDB tutorial in the example folder in the repository. You can look there to see more features.

Here is a simplified version:

  1. Let's assume that we have the following schema in our already configured database:

    module default {
        type Person {
            required property first_name -> str;
            required property last_name -> str;

  2. We'll write our queries in the queries.edgeql:

    # name: select-users-by-last-name
    # Select all users that have same last name.
    SELECT Person {
    FILTER .last_name = <str>$last_name
    # name: select-user-by-id!
    # Select single user's last name by it's id.
    SELECT Person {
    FILTER .id = <uuid>$user_id
    # name: create-keanu-reeves*
    # Create new user.
    INSERT Person {
        first_name := "Keanu",
        last_name := "Reeves",

  3. Finally, we'll write our Python code:

    import edgedb
    import edgeql_queries
    queries = edgeql_queries.from_path("./queries.edgeql", async_driver=False)
    conn = edgedb.connect()
    # create Keanu
    # query all Keanu from database
    keanu_set = queries.select_users_by_last_name(conn, last_name="Reeves")
    for keanu in keanu_set:
        keanu_from_db = queries.select_user_by_id(conn,
        print(f"{keanu.first_name} {keanu_from_db.last_name}: {}")


This project is inspired by aiosql project and is based on it's source code.


This project is licensed under the terms of the FreeBSD license.